Suits - New Mobile Report: Gundam W - Outlawed
from The Mecha Domain
Model: XXXG-00WD
Code Name: Winged Devil Gundam
Unit Type: transformable mobile suit
Pilot(s): Leina Ramutani
Manufacturer: Doctor Teiri
First deployment: AC 195
Cockpit: Standard cockpit in torso
Height: 16.9 meters
Weight: 7.9 tons
Construction: gundanium alloy
Performance ability levels: fighting 170; weapons 150; speed
190; power 160; armor 130
Equipment: Zero System combat computer/pilot interface in cockpit;
self-destruct system |
4 x machinecannon, fire-linked, mounted in torso
2 x beam saber, stored in recharge racks in shield, hand-carried in use
Optional fixed armaments:
Optional hand armaments:
twin buster rifle, can be separated into two separate single-barrel buster